From Al I'm so flattered to be drawn and illustrated from great readers and artists; thing is, this is not about me but about their amazing talents! Thank you so much for such great details for Chicmuse. J'adore!
A few weeks ago I went up up in Los Angeles to Palisades to shoot some new styles for American Apparel with my friend Taghrid.I always end up having so amazing and fun times in L.A. If it's not chilling with my friends at American Apparel, it is shopping an visiting new places, going around the beach, and then of course I end up eating something with guacamole or BBQ and a frozen margarita. This is holidays for me!
I love the detail of the print in this chiffon tank, and I'm fascinated and attracted by the soft texture and color in this American Apparel pouch, and the fact that I can wrap it or fold it as I want, it just gets me relaxed.
vintage cut-offs, Prada shoes, American Apparel tank, sweater and white bodysuit
This post is not only about me playing Prada hairdo and sexy secondskin mesh dresses (which I love) or making a slight feeling of Lara Stone : it is that chicmuse goes(dot)com. Easy easy I say, so enough of typing bigger things and some of them difficult to remember.
Just Go simple!
Prada Baroque sunglasses, American Apparel Mesh dress and bodysuit, vintage gold necklace.
Summer just began and I am beyond satisfied for taking these big perfect holidays at the sea. Everywhere you could look at was just marvelous scenery and breathtaking views. I hope you can enjoy through the photos! June 2011, Cancun,Mexico.